Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
Let's have a clan battle!

I've got a winnage idea, bear with me.

Both clans will name/vote on their 3 best modes.
These 6 gamemodes will be banished from the battle.
This should hopefully get rid of the annoying but boringly frequent phenomenon of clans annihilating each other in their own specific specialist gamemodes.

...If any of that makes any sense.

What I'm trying to say is, an equal battle is more fun.
I hate getting faceraped, but equally I hate having easy games. (But not as much as the faceraping)

Ideally, we should play in something we're both shit at for the following reasons:

1. Because it's fucking hilarious.
2. Because it's fucking hilarious.
3. Because it makes the fight more fun, and even.
4. Because it's fucking hilarious.

Please feel free to add ideas to this... or tell me to GTFO... or whatever...
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> nearly 3 hours of nobody saying a word
[02:19] * Tamer0 is now known as TamerAfk
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> gg toribash
[02:19] <+hampa> gg

Uh, okay then, though i'll do my best to intentially say my crappy modes are the ones i'm best at trying to get tk or aikido one of the modes.

E: I'm good at coughcoughaikidocoughcouhgh and coughcoughtaekkyoncoughcough, and kickbawks.
Last edited by Kips; Sep 8, 2008 at 11:49 PM.
This might be interesting seeing as [sheep] is an extremely thorough clan, but very well, I'll be honest.

My best modes atm are Judo Frac, Aikido and Sambo. Those of RAWR who fight with me regularly know that I'm not lying.

Besides, I think these will be the banned modes in any case, seeing as RAWR in general specializes in wrestling-type modes :P
Last edited by CMon; Sep 8, 2008 at 11:48 PM.
My best mode is Sambo, everything else, is just going with the flow :P
<hanz0> Once upon a time... NUCLEAR WINTER!
<Iburnaga> I would suck to get anally raped. XD