Original Post
Wacom Bamboo Drawing Tablet
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So I've been thinking of buying a cheap drawing tablet lately, and the only one I've heard of is the Wacom Bamboo tablet.

Have any of you guys ever used this, or known someone you has used it? Is it decent? Are there better ones for around the same price?

Thanks for the help.

(I didn't know where to put this, but this seemed like the best place. Let me know if I need to move it.)
i have a wacom bamboo pen & touch
i think it's an older model than the one you linked but i'm not sure
it looks exactly the same except for the colours
but anyway it works like a charm and i'm really happy with it
using a tablet takes a while to get used to, but i got used to it in less than a few hours
mine costed a bit more iirc but whatever

but buying one is really worth it and the one you linked is at least decent
wacom seems to be the go to brand. the Active Area (5.8 inch x 3.6 inch) is quite small i suggest getting the medium size.
Dot dot dot
I don't think bamboo is part of wacom's current series. I'd recommend this one.

It's marginally bigger (by 0.1x0.1) and it's a better model.

Going for larger models can be expensive, eg the medium version of the above model is a lot more expensive.

Even the larger bamboo is a lot more expensive.

By the way, getting a big tablet isn't necessarily better. I use an intuos 4 wl which is 8 x 5 active area. I usually scale it down and use half that (4x2.5) because moving my hand so far is tiring.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
I personally have the tablet Pig posted and can vouch for its quality and functionality. It's the best tablet I've used and I've been fortunate enough to try a couple (though never owned the ones I used).
collect snots from the nose