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Current members with access: Donkey
ಠ Grim
ಠ Lurk
Date - Transaction To / From - Reason
20th of February, 2015 - 3,000 TC from Donkey - Donation
21st of February, 2015 - 5,000 TC from Emile001 - Donation
21st of February, 2015 - 15,000 TC from Triton - Donation
23rd of February, 2015 - 30,000 TC from Donkey - Donation
24th of February, 2015 - 288 TC from Note - Donation
24th of February, 2015 - Left Bicep Texture from Note - Donation
26th of February, 2015 - 10,000 TC from Dexx - Donation
28th of February, 2015 - 531 TC from Swaves - Donation
4th of March, 2015 - 10,000 TC to Donkey - Globals
4th of March, 2015 - 10,000 TC to Moop - Tourney Prize
4th of March, 2015 - 5,000 TC to Calamity - Tourney Prize
4th of March, 2015 - 3,000 TC from Viliuxazz - Donation
4th of March, 2015 - 30 TC from Jaxonia - Donation
4th of March, 2015 - 5,000 TC from Togo - Donation
5th of March, 2015 - 1,000 TC from Laser - Donation
6th of March, 2015 - 17,061 TC from Donkey - Donation
6th of March, 2015 - 5,000 TC from Fairfang - Donation
7th of March, 2015 - 5,000 TC from Fairfang - Donation
8th of March, 2015 - 1,000 TC to IronBoy67 - Trivia Prize
8th of March, 2015 - 1,000 TC to Torigod08 - Trivia Prize
8th of March, 2015 - 10,000 TC to 1snake3 - Tourney Prize
8th of March, 2015 - Left Bicep Texture to Nohandles - Tourney Prize
8th of March, 2015 - 20,000 TC from Donkey - Donation
8th of March, 2015 - Chronos Force from Grim - Donation
9th of March, 2015 - 2,000 TC from Togo - Donation
11th of March, 2015 - 5,000 TC from Grim - Donation
11th of March, 2015 - 5,000 TC from JenssonFTW - Donation
12th of March, 2015 - 4,000 TC from NitrateDash - Donation
13th of March, 2015 - 3,000 TC from Laser - Donation
14th of March, 2015 - 8,000 TC from Donkey - Donation
15th of March, 2015 - 5,000 TC to Donkey - Global
15th of March, 2015 - 4,050 TC from Lurk - Donation
15th of March, 2015 - 18,000 TC from Toribash - Bet Rake
15th of March, 2015 - 20,000 TC to Hachem24 - Tourney Prize
16th of March, 2015 - 2,000 TC from Viliuxazz - Clan Art
18th of March, 2015 - 18,000 TC from Viliuxazz - Clan Art
18th of March, 2015 - 5,000 TC to Donkey - Global
18th of March, 2015 - 10,000 TC to JackFerry - Tourney Prize
18th of March, 2015 - 5,000 TC to Tixcio - Tourney Prize
22nd of March, 2015 - 10,000 TC to Donkey - Globals
28th of March, 2015 - 5,000 TC to Donkey - Global
28th of March, 2015 - 23,000 TC from Toribash - Bet Rake
29th of March, 2015 - 5,000 TC to Toribash - Global
29th of March, 2015 - 22,000 TC to Roninia - Tourney Prize
29th of March, 2015 - 8,000 TC to Agulon - Tourney Prize
1st of April, 2015 - 12,000 TC from sprt - Donation
1st of April, 2015 - 29,000 TC from Donkey - Donation
3rd of April, 2015 - 5,000 TC to Donkey - Global
3rd of April, 2015 - 15,000 TC to Skitzofrenic - Tourney Prize
3rd of April, 2015 - 5,000 TC to N1ghtShade - Tourney Prize
5th of April, 2015 - 2,000 TC from Grim - Donation
8th of April, 2015 - 20,000 TC from Donkey - Donation
10th of April, 2015 - 10,000 TC to Grim - Global
10th of April, 2015 - 5,000 TC to Grim - Decap prize
11th of April, 2015 - 10,000 TC from Static - Donation
11th of April, 2015 - 100,000 TC from Lurk - Donation
13th of April, 2015 - 20,000 TC from Grim - Donation
13th of April, 2015 - 20,000 TC to Togo - War wager
13th of April, 2015 - Barbed Wire From Donkey - Donation
13th of April, 2015 - Dread Tail from Donkey - Donation
13th of April, 2015 - Dread Tail from Donkey - Donation
15th of April, 2015 - 15,000 TC to Hyrda - Tourney Prize
15th of April, 2015 - 7,000 TC to Seth93z - TourneyPrize
18th of April, 2015 - Dread Tail from Donkey - Donation
20th of April, 2015 - 10,000 TC from Lycan - Donation
24th of April, 2015 - 1,000 TC from Grim - Donation
24th of April, 2015 - 15,000 TC from SirKittyCat - Donation
26th of April, 2015 - 5,000 TC to Donkey - Global
26th of April, 2015 - 12,000 TC from Lurk - Donation
26th of April, 2015 - 11,000 TC from Donkey - Donation
26th of April, 2015 - 70,000 TC to Moofins - Tourney Prize
26th of April, 2015 - 30,000 TC to Broskii - Tourney Prize
26th of April, 2015 - 7,000 TC to TourneyBank - DecapPrize
26th of April, 2015 - 5,000 TC to Donkey - Global
3rd of May, 2015 - 30,000 TC from Static - Donation
10th of May, 2015 - 37,530 TC from Donkey - Donation
10th of May, 2015 - 5,000 TC to Donkey - Global
10th of May, 2015 - 1,000 TC to EternalAssassin - Trivia Prize
10th of May, 2015 - 1,530 TC to Calamity - Trivia Prize
10th of May, 2015 - Dread Tail to The7thVoid - Tourney Prize
10th of May, 2015 - 15,000 TC to Koleon - Tourney Prize
10th of May, 2015 - 22,222 TC from Donkey - Donation
16th of May, 2015 - 5,000 TC to Donkey - Global
16th of May, 2015 - 15,000 TC to Kittenssss - Tourney Prize
16th of May, 2015 - 5,000 TC to Extreme450 - Tourney Prize
17th of May, 2015 - 8,000 TC from Donkey - Donation
24th of May, 2015 - 5,000 TC to Donkey - Global
24th of May, 2015 - 40,000 TC from Possessed - Donation
24th of May, 2015 - 20,000 TC to Extreme450 - Tourney Prize
24th of May, 2015 - 8,898 TC to Jose312 - Tourney Prize
24th of May, 2015 - 5,000 TC to Donkey - Global
24th of May, 2015 - 35,000 TC to Fluffy - Tourney Prize
27th of May, 2015 - 30,000 TC to King4Life - Clan Art