Not being on IRC does not hinder a clan when being checked, so your comments on "IRC control" would be kind of unfounded.
You consider the IRC activity though, right?
In actual fact, the checks are a lot more forgiving than us simply "cleaning away clans that aren't close to daily posting".
I do have personal experiance with this. Addicted was in a phase of apathy too and we had to go through activity checks
multiply times. People are posting when they feel like, sometimes every day, sometimes once a month. But like a sinus wave, we have still ups after every down.
Even though we have different opinions on this, you can still comprehend the point that, in [Addicted], there is quite much posting in the last time again.
You have no idea how the system works [...] making wild assumptions without reason [...] if you're going to make baseless criticism on a system you know nothing about at least try to contact me and make sure you at least have a shred of information [...]
You might take this a bit too personal, because it wasn't focused on you. There were no wild assumptions, just one point -> I don't understand why there have to be a job in this forum where 'activity checks' are made that often. If there is no post for a half year, clean it up. But seeing an activity check after like three weeks in a time where the semester just started, makes me sad.
In fact, the last posts before you went for the activity checks were just one day earlier to one week earlier. But still you see a need to do this check.
Furthermore you tell me to contact you and ask for your job and what you do to understand this? I see this thread and this discussion as a constructiv way to discuss this.
Baseless critism on a system I know nothing about? Shred information?
Man now this goes personal. I know the forum, because I'm here since 2008. The 'system' is your job, not mine. And I yet asked for an information. That was a big wave on that question, wasn't it?
To cut a long story short, GerU might have phases of apathy. But yet it's a nice subforum with nice people who do post from time to time.
So you do this job to find out if the clan is still above your (the clan mods) definition of activity, which seems to be that quite a few people post frequently into the clanforum AND into IRC.
Your job has significance, for shure. But I'm not going with your definition of a necessary termination. I saw this in [Addicted], were we were close to the terminition just for the fact, that like 5 members had to post within a week even though everybody was very busy.
GerU and Addicted have both participated over a long time in this community, workin on so many things in this community. And now it's considered to delete them even though there are members who still post and members who will come back in the future. You can't understand this oppression in any way?