cc vector blur didnt fit
add motion tile on your video layer and extend it, mirror edges so you don't get the ugly bars on the side

you should have changed up the cc for some of the clips, it looks like it lazily slapped across every clip
the flare looks bad

Originally Posted by Slycooper View Post
cc vector blur didnt fit
add motion tile on your video layer and extend it, mirror edges so you don't get the ugly bars on the side

you should have changed up the cc for some of the clips, it looks like it lazily slapped across every clip
the flare looks bad

Alright, thanks, I'll work on that.

and the flare I don't even know, I thought I placed it above but most of it still hung out :/
do u not like smooth keyframing bc i feel like ur velo is sososo bad

maybe thats your style or whatever but idk
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up