Original Post
Double Kick
This is my first Double Kick in a while.

Found it pretty sweet since i throw in some, what appears to be, uke manipulation.

Whatever, Watch, rate, and comment?
Attached Files
Double kick.rpl (212.6 KB, 72 views)
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Nice replay, The decap kick was nice, and for some reason the punch at the beginning really caught my intrest. It was quick and unexpected.

Jeremy - You can train a n00b, but he'll just be a trained n00b...
I liked it up until the end of the first kick.

The second one seemed kinda tacked on though
5:13 PM - vasp: everybody's nuts is so good
[00:18:38] <&vespesi3n> you should see when i swallow
[21:49:37] <&vespesi3n> >my mouth when
[21:49:43] <&vespesi3n> >my tastebuds when