Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
Yeah, check this thread. It's been happening to me as well and a few others.
"do it again and i'll insert my giant watermelon dick into your cornhole" ~ Smaguris
Yeah, it's said my friend BillMagic is in Tourney3 and it wont go away. It's very misleading.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
I've been stuck on tourney3 for more than 30 minutes.
I believe it just gets stuck after you join a server and leave afterwards.
self proclaimed lurker and stalker
Try random things like relog ingame and on the forums, join/Create a new server etc. Either way its nothing major. Just use /rf /sa <name or clantag> to find people. It updates every few minutes.
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Originally Posted by jahovawitness View Post
Try random things like relog ingame and on the forums, join/Create a new server etc. Either way its nothing major. Just use /rf /sa <name or clantag> to find people. It updates every few minutes.

The problem is /rf doesn't always work properly

You can see how long it takes, leave a room then /rf /sa yourself and see how long it takes to update, (it takes 5-10 minutes usually for me)

That's why I usually use the forum to find people in game and why I think its a little more major

It updates abou the same amount when you dont use /rf
Displaying current room on forum is currently broken and will hopefully be fixed.

Using /sa function works the way it always did right now. When you do a /rf it gets you the most recent update of people in the servers. The lobby updates once every x minutes so you won't get any more recent info if you do /rf five times between two updates.
tl;dr you need 5 minutes for /rf to work because lobby refreshes the list of people every once in a while rather than immediately on your request.

I'm closing the thread and tagging it as bugreport because nothing else can be contributed. Magic people will fix the bug on forum when they get to it :F

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