I was thinking this "cane" could have textures added to it and maybe it could look like a gentlemen would use or an old man potentially this option could bring more money to Hampa and the textures could be priced with Irl money or TC though i think more people would buy the cane if they could edit it with TC. Though it may cause glitches if it were to just go through the ground it cant have an effect on other players because that would give an unfair advantage and disadvantage to other players or himself. what im thinking maybe it could have Specific prices for the textures and perhaps they could be quite high. or the cane could be quite high and have quite low TC options. Tell me what you think and more feedback the better keep playing hard Toribashers and have a nice day.
So, is this cane, like, a fancy walking stick basically? Like, using it in battle like a weapon?
quote wall
uuuhh seems kind of pointless and think of how the candy cane didn't really make that much of an impact on the community, will a cane do much else? also how do you think it will look, like would it dangle from the tori's arm or would it just lean on the leg...
No real need to answer i still think not supported
quote wall