Original Post
[New Aeon☭] Aeon Manifesto
☭ New Aeon Manifesto ☭

(click on the logo to listen to the Aeon Anthem)

Clan Video by TheCobra

Here you find all the stuff you need to know about New Aeon

☭ Joining New Aeon;

If you are interested in joining the glorious socialist New Aeon, post here
Member Annexations

☭ Clan Rules;

New Aeon is a socialist state based on conformity and the belief that TheAnimal stands above everyone else. Rules are:

☭ New Aeon is a socialist Clan that follows the belief that every man and woman is born equal, as in, inferior to TheAnimal. Thus, all means of production (TC, Items) that you may possess before joining New Aeon belong to the Clan after you join.
☭ Because we are all inferior to TheAnimal, it is our duty to end every post with a praise to him.
☭ Speaking positively about any Clan that actively or inactively fights agains the socialist cause leads to public execution.
☭ Speaking ill of TheAniam leads to public execution
☭ The Komissars are the few elite Members that may speak openly*
☭ Freedom is a tool of capitalism and thus not allowed.
☭ If you feel the need to color your posts, only use shades of red.
* Speaking too openly still leads to public execution

☭ Members;

The list of current Revolutionairies for the great socialist cause is found here.

List of Revolutionairies

☭ Inactivity;

There is no inactivity in glorious New Aeon, so we do not need an Inactivity Thread.

☭ Replays;

Replay sharing is a tool of the western media to brainwash you. Do not share western media. Do not share Replays.

☭ Allies & Enemies;

New Aeon is a socialist state of workers and peasents. Everyone who believes in the glorious socalist cause is our ally, everyone who doesn't, or supports the development of the bourgeois, is our Enemy.

They inclue, but are not limited to:
- USSR for bringing shame to the socialist cause, since they only pretend
- Chvrch of Beattie for being religious nutjobs, blinded from the path of social justice by the dictator that they call a 'god'

☭ News;

Important clan or Toribash news are shared via Clan-wide announcements.

☭ Clan Bank;

We do not need a clan bank, because banks are a tool of capitalism. Everything that any member of Aeon owns, also belongs to New Aeon and every other member.

☭ IRC;

We use the IRC #Aeon to communicate our demonstrations with other revolutionary groups.

☭Long live socialism, long live TheAnimal!