Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
As a child.
As a child..what are your most cherished memories?
Favorite stuffed animal? Being with your grandma?
Playing with your siblings? First day of kindergarten?

My favorite and most cherished memories were spent with my grandma,
whenever i used to go to her house like everyday.
She is the best, and still is. She is soooo cool.
I always played with hot wheels, and barbies and played dress up.
And mac and cheese was the meal to eat at her house.
Some of the best memories were made back then.

Tell me about your memories.
Re: As a child.
My childhood memories are like yours... minus the barbies... haha

Grandma's and Mac-N-Cheese ROCK!!!!
You need the president
Re: As a child.
Are you serious, is this a serious thread, or is it a lame joke?

Please, enlighten me.
This is the Emergency Alert System. All normal programming has been discontinued during this emergency.
Re: As a child.
The best day ever was when I got the internets
HIYAAAAAAaaa FACEKICK IN YOUR FACE....... Nah i'm just kidding
Re: As a child.
I believe i had more of a thirst for blood look on my face, CS beta 6 or something just came out then.
HIYAAAAAAaaa FACEKICK IN YOUR FACE....... Nah i'm just kidding
Re: As a child.
Originally Posted by polkadotXzebra
yes, this is a real thread.
it's not a lame joke.


It sounds like a lame joke.
This is the Emergency Alert System. All normal programming has been discontinued during this emergency.
Re: As a child.
my life is a joke ^^

first game i ever played: Sonic 2, as tails, that was the beging of what "life" i seem to have.
Re: As a child.
Looking back on it, i have had a great life, although it aint been very well the past winter.
Cherished moments? Playing Zelda OOT for the first time, playing the GTAs for the first time...
Summer times in my backgarden, sitting there, eating ice creams.
[me=TSRabbit]breathes a heavy sigh, stubs his cigarette, and rides off into the distance.[/me]