Original Post
[TEX]Metal is mean
Made with Krita and a Wacom drawing tablet
I Made this head for my new set
Im going for fantasy knight for the set ill probably buy a mohawk or a pony tail for my set to give it the knight feeling more
Cnc is welcomed im still new to making metal
I dont draw metal often

may post set updates here


Last edited by Calamity; Apr 22, 2015 at 10:35 PM.
I still take texture requests for usd
metalwork on the face is amazing, looks like you got bored by the time you got the the back.
face are could be a little more defined, took me ages to figure out what those orange lines where on the flat.
once you get past the orange lines, the helmet is amazing, but it looks better on the flat than it does ingame.

i like the dragon face on the top of the helm, reminds me of some of my unfinished shits. but its pulling too much focus away from the rest of the face, so it just looks like a badly mapped head.

the orange smoke is distracting and only serves to make the dragon face bit stand out more. id scrap the smoke for somethign more conventional
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
I agree with Bendover.

Amazing head. The metal work is great (except for a few lines at the back). The attention to detail is awesome, and I love the concept. An entire set with this will be amazing. Though it'd be too hard, joints would be sick (though not many people have/like joints). I think the dragon looking pieces in the center are really cool on the flat, but on the Tori, they look too centered, and it looks too reflected (that's because it is). The flames/smoke look less like they're coming out of the helmet, and more like they're just floating there. I say, change the flames up and do a soft glow or something. The head looks best from a frontward sideways position. I know I've said this before (and you're probably sick of it by now lol), make the sides slightly asymmetrical.

Love it, can't wait to see more.
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