Original Post
[SOLVED] can we change our name or do we got to pay 200k ?
can we change our name or do we got to pay 200k
(sparrer) (clan Dark Brethren) (always number 1)
(any questions pm me)
Please name your threads in descriptive way.

This thread specifies the prices for namechanges. First namechange costs 100k.

Name changes can only be done by administrators. It costs 100,000 TC. This price doubles every time you change your name.

If you only want to change the case of a letter in your username, it costs 5k per letter changed. For example, 'Fish' to 'FISH' costs 15k.

If the name you want is already taken, that account must be both unused and inactive for at least 3 years. Whether or not the account is banned makes no difference, unless you want to purchase the ban as an additional extra.

To check if a name is taken, type the name at the end of this link:

Your new name should be at least 4 characters long.

When you have found a suitable name, you may contact an administrator and send them the TC.

[re] | #Polska
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