Original Post
[Tex] Spooky Skeleton Head
A very simple head I made, planning to make a set to go with it. No shading or much detail, very "bare bones"... Tell me what you think.

I think it looks very good, and will go good with a set, what joints you got?
forgot I could look, sorry!
Last edited by McNuggets; May 15, 2015 at 03:12 AM.
Simple and effective but the skull shouldn't be as smooth as it is (unless it's part of the simplicity)

I hope you're doing the jaw too with like fire flickering/glowing inside of its mouth. That'll look p cool. ;o
Just a tad more of detail would be fine, right now it looks like I could even make it and that's bad.
The whole thing overall isn't a bad idea just the route you took to get to it isn't the best.
Last edited by Cold; May 15, 2015 at 03:32 AM.
ancient Moderated Message:
you've had the previous signature since 2019, i wonder how long it'll take you to notice this
Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it ;)

I doubt I will be adding any more detail, aside from maybe some sort of symbol on the forehead. I did contemplate making a realistic skull head before, but then I saw Cold's skull head and realized I couldn't come anywhere close to that in realism, so I opted instead for more abstract, simpler head. Personally I like simple textures, if they are well-designed, though I know it's not everyone's cuppa tea.

No lower jaw because it would be very difficult to make a believable lower jaw without shading. Plus it kind of reminds me of Raziel form Legacy of Kain series:
Odlov I love this head! It needs a bit more detail and maybe add some shadows to it. The proportions are nice :3 Just suck my ass already <3 Keep up the good work!
I am just an icon livin'
This looks very nice! Definitely could go with a set. very nice, man.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
Another awesome simplish black and white set is about to be born to the world.

Interesting, the lines and the shape is just perfect.
Looking forward for the complete version in the set.
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It's really simple. I'd really like to see the whole set soon. Good work :3
Last edited by Matharu; May 16, 2015 at 12:49 PM.
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