If you want a plain text (just colours, no additional extras), that's easy & quick to do. And I mean it as in "easy & quick is not more than 2k, if you like it". Are you looking more for good phrases or for the graphics?
(and yes, I know that the cheap copy protection is cheap enough to just paint it away, but I was too lazy to get an in-game shot for that :P)
Other more or less good dq shouts:
"I'm out of here."
"See you next time!"
"Anyone can win with luck :P"
"Next time I turn the monitor on!"
"Let's play for real now ..."
"I can't believe this ..."
"Is this for real?"
"My luck again."
"Carnival! I let you win :P"
However, obviously longer shouts not only require smaller letters but also more time to read, which is everything but easy with the fast moving dq rig. I figure that ~4 words are plenty.