Need more work on the camera/view.
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The warrior guided by the spirit serves humanity, the warrior without, serves the ego.
For something created with wmm that's actually half decent, good job

However you can't do a lot of things as the program is limited (Granted that's actually the program that you're using and you aren't being sarcastic)
I do some videos
Feel free to PM me for any video-related questions
Dakskip, agreed.
The program is really limited.
It is hard to make something that looks perfect or good.
I'm remaking this video with some other clips that I am recording atm.
Originally Posted by Hypersaint View Post
Dakskip, agreed.
The program is really limited.
It is hard to make something that looks perfect or good.
I'm remaking this video with some other clips that I am recording atm.

are you going to use a new program ?