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[SOLVED] Hampa has some explaining to do... game design document
So out of complete boredom I decide to browse the game's files to see if there is anything interesting and these are the discoveries...

(I haven't seen these anywhere else which is why I am posting it)

There is a different version of the game called toribashSP with no Multiplayer selection on the menu. Instead it is the mod maker. I'm guessing this is a debug version of the game.

There's a music folder that has a short looping song not used in the game.

Also, there is an Extra Content folder with all sorts of stuff, including this:

(Copied straight from TORIBASH Game Design Document)



TORIBASH characters can select power-ups and alternative modes. The power-ups mostly control the collision physics. The alternate modes control feature of the bodyparts.

Alternative Limb Modes

HANDS - Grip mode will make the hands grip on collision with other player.
FEET - Heavy mode will increase the mass of the feet. This helps standing up after a fight is finished.
TORSO - Syrup mode will slow down the rotations and help body come to a stop.
+ More to come.

The players can select a special power-up for his player. The following power-ups exist.
SUPER TORQUE - The next contact with other player will super multiply any torque available.
SUPER FORCE - Same as Super-torque but with force variable.
BOUNCY - Player will turn into rubber and bounce everything off easily.
STATUE - Player will turn into stone.
REVERSE - All forces will be reversed.
STOP - All forces will come to a stop.
TIMESHIFT - Selected player's physics will run at half speed.

Sooo... What is all this extra stuff, will it be done, and when?

Quick lil' question.
Why is everything blue.

For the answer.
Why are you bringing this to attention.
If it's in a folder, it's available to everyone.
You could just query hampa, or any other lead developer/admin and ask them.
Basic rule of reading comprehension is to read everything instead of instantly snapping your eyes to some part about powerups and getting completely wrong idea.

For basic tips, look at the name of the document which is game design document. Then, most important of all, look at the date which is 2005. This was a basic draft of the concept/design, the real game is nowhere close to it. Things changed during development.

And all this batch of documents etc. looks like folder with press materials. That's all.

[re] | #Polska
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