might be interesting to read (:
if this thread is open in another 4 hours i'll post about mine
to ask about your current dilemma, how did her friends convince her so well to dump you?
and is this new guy she's dating irl or online as well?
Single as of about a week agooo (week ago)
It all started a month ago.(month agoo) Met this girl while volunteering at this one animal place. She was fine af. She was mixed with a big booty [heart eyes emoji]. I made her bae within a week of meeting.(No joke) We did normal relationship stuff for a while. We cuddled, we we played mini golf(I beat her every time), We watched movies together(Saw the new Avengers movie with her. That movie was better than our entire relationship excluding the sexy time.) I liked her a lot. I even lost my virginity to her lol, I made a thread about it. As you can see, I made that thread a month ago, and I met that girl a month ago.. So yeah just call me Mr Smooth. Then I found out she was coocoo for cocoa puffs(AND I MEAN REALLY FUCKING COOCOO HOLY S WORD) and we broke up. I didn't even like break up with her, I kinda just stopped talking to her lol. But she hasn't texted me in a while so I think she's gonna be okay