Christmas Lottery
Original Post
[SOLVED] Not earning qi
i noticed in my last few games, it only wrote "123 more games until 2nd dan black belt" help ;-;
It's maybe because you're only fighting with one person.

Remember when you helped me get to blue belt?

Yes, That's what it's supposed to look like.
Mistakes are made everyday
Wait, what?
No, don't give false information. You can only acquire 100 qi a day. That means if you won 100 games today, you won't earn anymore until the next day.
Bringer of Hell
Do note that "day" here means 24h. This is probably case for eki.

Additionally you can stop gaining qi when: your games are too short (can't tell the exact timeframe, but something like few seconds), have too little turns (e.g. two 1st-turn-wins in judo and you'll stop gaining qi afterwards) or when you and your enemy have the same IP.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos