There's replays, but no semicolons, here.
But really, here's some replays. All of them at 300 distance, god knows why.
Frontal back attacks lol: So i kind of leapt over to him, grabbed him and
attacked his backside with a kick and a heel.
I has sievertz: Don't ask about the name, though you may get a clue if
you look at my head :P
Basically, a leaping punch followed by a scissor that takes his remaining arm off.
Some kicks, lol: It's some kicks. Be sure to watch it all the way through,
i end with a world-shattering pirouette. (Because it is so unelegant >.>)
Comments and criticism appreciated, encouraged and cookie'd. No cookies if
the comments aren't relevant though :0
Edit: Come on, for cruds sake! You know i'm just going to bump it tomorrow anyways
if you don't comment >_>
Last edited by Shook; Sep 18, 2008 at 11:13 PM.