May as well make this our official Champions League and Game of Thrones discussion thread.
Personally I'm hoping Maergery Tyrell will win the Champions League of Thrones, but even I know that's unrealistic.
As for today's matches,
Dany really put on a masterclass in the defence. It really looked like the Meereen Harpys were going to win it today but they just had no answer for Dany's offensive counter at the end there. It was top tier footballing tactics all around and I hope they can continue with this run of form into the coming matches. They're going to need it if they ever make it to the Westerosi Premier League.
Up in Winterfell I'm surprised they're even still playing in these conditions. I'm feeling very conflicted about how Stannis played today. I'm a fan of his, but todays poor display of sportsmanship really tested my faith in him. I can understand that he wants to win, but I think he took things too far. Taking Davos off the field early was a bad call in my books and I think his Stags will suffer for it in the next round. I wont comment any further on what they did to their mascot. Disgusting really.
The Wall's team had a day off today, but you can see there's tension among their players. A lot of them clearly aren't happy with their management especially after all the transfers he made with the Wildlings in their time off. We'll see how it plays out in the coming weeks I think, but realistically I don't see how Mr Snow could ever win the Domestic Northern Final against the Others without bringing in all these new players.
All around entertaining round of football for me.
Last edited by Swarfiga; Jun 8, 2015 at 04:23 AM.