Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
[Tex] My first attempt at a head
I used Gimp 2 to make my first head. The Idea was some sort of monster.
I personally do not like the final outcome but am still proud of it being my first piece. Maybe some cnc would help and some tips.

Anyway here it is!(lines for no stealing)


Also after viewing what do you think it's worth?
A little blurry and shaky, try doing an outline with the pen tool + brush @ about 3-4 pt. (For a 512 ofc) Then on a layer below that, do your color, it's a lot easier to color if the outline is above it because it gives room for mistake.

The mapping isn't too bad so i give you props on that!
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Okay thank you! I knew I had some trouble with getting shapes the way I had wanted and that advice will help for later projects.
Yeah just play around with the pen tool lot because it takes some practice!
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Very blurry, and looks a lot like a head texture that already exists.

Make sure to save as .png to get best quality in photo. Highlighting is Key.

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