If you post tex for crit you must be ready to hear any opinion, not just good ones, because if you look for them only - that's really pointless for you.
because everything except this looks like just earliest start of the head.
So, it looks really messy. Especially red stone. Cuz of that ugly white blink it looks like piece of plastic not like a gem. Find references next time when you will draw any specific detail. Shadows and lights on gems can't be like that.
Golden borders looks like mustard lines. Again, find tutorials how to draw a real gold.
Strings. For what? Decoration? Then ok. Golden borders around holes looks very messy. Make it ring, not a bad made yellow donut.
I like brown part. The only thing that looks ok to me. But you'd better make that semi transparent white part for blurry.
Don't take it personally. Cheers.
Last edited by Hug; Jul 11, 2015 at 02:38 PM.