Oreo Recruitement Poingdexter
Well for starters im a brown belt ive been playing for a few years but took a break for like a year
My favourite mods are aikido, judo, judofrac, Mushu, Wushu i love mushu due to its easy break
I wanna join oreo because i love oreos and i need a clan every other i got rejected i need a skilled clan
I can bring friends, skill, and toricredits ( i give em when i dont need them)
Im more on toribash but if it means getting in to the clan ill be on forum more often
Im 12 my name is Ty My skype is V_V Slash, My favourite colour is lime green/Purple
Last edited by poingdexter; Jul 16, 2015 at 08:26 AM.
Reason: Free form