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[Tex]Free Isaac Head
Soft used: PS CS6

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I think heads like this should be free.
Last edited by Hug; Jul 14, 2015 at 02:26 AM.
Nice crying effect, thank you.
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Now we wait for someone to come along and try to sell this head on the market, we all know some scrub is gonna do it.
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That's gm's work to catch these.
That head was made just to show to one guy that if you make heads like these - make them for everyone, not for yourself only.
I have no problems with people who likes games, but I will not deal with inadequacy áads.

Shots fired XD

I like the head, but I've never played the binding of Isaac. Looks better than the other one.
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Originally Posted by Hug View Post
That's just redraw of the isaac's face.
What should people comment here?
Nice... Emm... Lasso tool and fill, or idk what did you use for this.
Create your own style next time. There is no way to be a good artist when you just do like this.
Everyone can make head which will looks like this and you can't say nothing to them because these picture of Isaac are free in internet.

As said.
Also, whale the other one wasn't for you so you better don't give a single f*ck anyways.
Last edited by Hypersaint; Jul 14, 2015 at 11:43 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump