(Penta) Black Pentagram recruitment thread
Welcome to the Black pentacle recruitment thread. In order to join just fill out an application, you may also need to be tested in game.
The app can be free form but we would prefer if it was not. If you have been told you need to be tested then use the command /rf then /sa Penta
to see if there are any members online. ( We can't always find you!)
We try to respond to the app's as soon as possible so remember to keep checking the thread.
Only rule is remember to post on the discussion thread if you are recruited. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!
Describe your activity on forum and ingame:
Will you be participating in events/wars:
Are you active and have an interest in games:
What other online games do you play:
Why have you decided to apply to Black pentagram:
We hope to see you soon
Last edited by Boaplitas; Aug 21, 2015 at 10:56 PM.