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American economy crashes.
well, as of right now, the american economy will completely crash, and there isn't a way to fix it until obama/mcain becomes president.

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Originally Posted by Chac View Post
Fun Fact: McCain dropped his campaign because the American economy is crashing

I'm not sure he's dropped his campaign, it says here he just suspended it.
Seems that he's just not going to a certain meeting because there's some attempt going on at trying to solve the failing economy and it's his job as a senator to help or be involved somehow.

He wants to debate a day later or something.

But then again, the media tells a lot.
Last edited by Galrath; Sep 25, 2008 at 06:39 PM.
this forces me to say something otherwise against all my values.

bush is a primary reason, if not the reason for the crash, having wasted money on "masking" the 9.11 and "saving" the people of Iraq, and let down using what little was left for using wisely to manage the country, as he should have

bush was elected by the people, but anyone of their right mind who was asked who they'll vote for never said bush, yet elected he was, twice in a row.

this brings me to 3 possible conclusions: the results were fakes. I doubt this one, since what would have been way too transparent, even for bush to use. Only the ones who voted bush bothered to vote, the rest "knowing" it won't be of use since bush will win anyways. I doubt this one too, since he wasn't really more of a favorite candidate in either vote. the one I'm forced to believe is that he got voted because a majority who had no idea of what they were doing voted the dood who "everybody votes for"

so, what I'm forced to say is: Maybe imbeciles shouldn't be allowed to vote.

this is of course only if the paragraph before the one before this one applies.
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
Uhh yea, the american economy didn't completely crash. I can go down to the market and get some eggs, or buy stocks if I want. While the economy is really horrible right now, it is still functioning.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
Yup,American economy is goin' down...Stock markets r down
Major Banks are closin' & being sold..
But ups & down r normal..Long bak there was one major economy crisis but it had been overcome...

Tody they sanctioned nuke deal b/w my country & US...a 30bill$ market opened for them
KONY 2012
I'd almost say this is discussion, not debate.... but whatever...

I just can't see a question or any sides here, just people saying different things that explain or contribute to the fact that the economy of the USA is going the right way for a collapse.
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the stock market crash in other countries as well? And if so, aren't those countries in bad shape too?

And it's not Bush's fault, the entire concept of out government is that no one person would have enough power to screw America up, it would have to be a unanimous (or close to) decision.

And what about oil? America has the ability to produce it, but refuses to, I think that has something to do with the economy.

Maxwell Dorian, Valedictorian/ I speak in three weeks to the entire auditorium (Thats just the beginning.)
Its possible to rebound from the debt.
And havent we every time we've had a republican president we've got into more debt then we were already in. Carter got us positive, and bush? 9 TRILLION and rising....
The American empire is the most implode and the crash, it happened before our eyes. The ideological and political coin is that government has become worthless, it is all over the world discredited. The American government will never be like my lifetime in the whole world hated, and we have an empire which sinks in slow motion and it is farther. My fears are, they are very much bloodshed and destruction very much on the way down cause. The Chinese empire is ready to replace them, which has much more experience than the American, as "parvnue" is from Chinese perspective.

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