Why do we trust toothpastes recommended by dentists??
Seriously, am I the only one wondering this.
On one hand it seems liek they're recommending it for a reason that it's good...
But think about it...
Dentists make money off us going to see them about our teeth.
Dentists recommend quite a lot of toothpaste products which 'take care' of your teeth and to use them daily, once when you wake up and once when you go to sleep.
Toothpaste contains fluoride, which comes from fluorine which is a harmful and poisonous chemical. That said, it may be their intention.
If they recommend the toothpaste, and we use it, they could be scamming us into using a product that weakens the barrier on our teeth in order to make us go back to the dentist.
Thus they're making more money out of our teeth, one; by originally going to them, two; by buying the toothpaste they recommend, and three; using it and returning.
My friend has never used toothpaste whilst brushing his teeth (He doesn't eat sweets/drink fizzy either..) and his teeth are pretty much perfect. Whereas other people who do use them still get infections like gum disease.
So what are your thoughts on this.
Do you trust them, if so, why?
Do you not trust them, if so.. justify your reason.