looks like raiken has the top spot now with 17,540.
also i guess you could unofficially add arrowbasse/chirox (same person) to the list with a combined 14,892 posts; still nowhere near raiken though
Your pal,
Combined posts probably wouldnt count.

Also, as solax said, they are not displaying these numbers because they want to promote quality over quantity.

Technically, people who frequently market will almost always be on top of these lists, seeing as marketing really requires quick reflexes and bidding forever.
They rack up posts rather quickly.
Last edited by duck; Aug 20, 2015 at 09:47 AM.
That said, maybe Solax will post here an updated list, but until the there is no point in keeping this opened.

Anyways, yes, Raiken is definitely the guy with the highest posts count around here.
Last edited by WeppetKo; Aug 20, 2015 at 10:48 AM.