Original Post
[Tex] A Dumb Set
All I want is CNC for my first set (YAY!) and what else to put on it.


Softie: CS6
Last edited by UcVH; Aug 22, 2015 at 12:11 AM.
It is a really simple set but I like it I would sell it around like 2k maybe for your first set I love it my first set was cancer lmao
<[Tint]Zubin> If you suck more people are going to think you're a girl
I hate to tell you.
But you just took a white-ish colour and put it on the arms, then took a black-ish colour and pt it on the torso and combined them into one texture for the meet.

This is not even a set its just some colors on body parts.. just try puting some lines on the textures like.. make a face or something on the head then make the body arms and legs.. design it make something original or something that you like it can be watever but try drawing more..


i have edited your tag and added a spoiler to your images, but you still need to add the programs used into your first post. please read the rules before posting.
closing becaue i got infracted for a shit reason and all im getting is hate, this is my first ever set. rip