View Poll Results: What hardware do you have?
High end hardware. (Most new games ultra)
6 Votes / 28.57%
Medium Hardware. (Able to run gtav 60fps)
4 Votes / 19.05%
Low-Medium hardware. (No gtav, but able to handle 60fps in, Tf2 Warframe skyrim ect ect)
5 Votes / 23.81%
Low end Hardware. (Lag problems are often happening.)
6 Votes / 28.57%
Voters: 21. You may not vote on this poll
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Original Post
Avg Toribashers Hardware.
Hey guys I have noticed that most people I meet in toribash have old/bad hardware.

I could be wrong but I really only met people with bad hardware.

So I would like youre opinion on this, so I can understand it better.

I think People with better hardware tend to leave early on when they are failing,
they might think their too good for this low graphic game.

O and if you know youre hardware specs, please tell them aswel.
Then we can see what the avg hardware is of tb players.
(And I might wan;t to show off a bit :3)

My specs

<FireDesire> Now rub your cheeks against my leg and meow.
<remzyh>*rubs cheecks on legs and meows*
I think that SOMETIMES people who are playing on higher spec rigs either have "better" games they can play instead if they get tired of Toribash, or they aren't as concerned with games that are purely skill based, like toribash, and prefer to play "level up to win" games, like Skyrim or Sword Art Online :P.

People with shite computers often are not as concerned with graphics or content, and enjoy games with active, friendly communities associated with them.

This is of course just speculation. I think many of the really serious players have good spec rigs.

In the end, I think that although there may be a trend shown between computer-goodness and rage-quittiness, the main thing is that if you enjoy competitive skill games like Toribash, you don't really care about graphics all that much. So it won't matter to you whether your computer can hack NASA, or if it takes twenty minutes to open MS Word.

btw, I play on a HP 620 Laptop which does in fact take more than 2 minutes to open chrome
Reckless is just FC but slightly better.~ Coine, 08/11/2016
I noticed that you do not have an option for my PC.
Complete and total piece of fucking shit.
running off of 3 gigs of ddr2, there isn't any other way I would want to play my games.
and really, Toribash isn't entirely demanding, and i really find no point to own a gaming pc. I'm no elitist, I don't give a shit as to what I run on as long as it runs.
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.