Original Post
[A] Purest of the forces. (may you stay clear of the dark side)
Hello and welcome to my auction

Today on the table we have a pure force, which needs 10k qi for it's holder fo be worthy.
So read my rules or your bids may not be valid!


-Any and all rules made by the staff apply (so check out the general rules and market rules if you're not familiar with them)
-You may bid if you have 10k qi yourself or an item holder
-If you have an item holder you must mention their in-game names every time you bid

The auction:

-Starts when someone bids 10k
-Continues when someone bids 1k more than the last valid bid
-Ends when 12 hours have past since last valid bid

Good biddings ladies and gentelman and everything in-between.

^I'll count this as an invalid bid.
Please say their name every time you bid. Or at least once and mention every next time you make a bid that your item holder hasn't changed.
Ok, that's valid. Be careful next time.
Last edited by Jack; Aug 24, 2015 at 03:37 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump