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[S]DomDoDm60 Requst Shop
No Heads Till naw For Sale
--------------------------------------------------------Request a Head----------------------------------------------------------------------
You Can Request any Head , min You Can pay is 5k , Max You Can Pay is 20k-15k Offers Below 5k will be igonred
Request Form :

Colors :
Discription About the Head Texture :
Price :

i can do bit realstic but cartoony is what i do moslty

Example of my work

Last edited by DomDoDm60; Sep 23, 2015 at 06:07 PM. Reason: Donno
Roses are red
max 1k for the spartan :P
(i know it is worth more but i am short on money xD)
Allways think before you say...
...your EVERY word can be your last -_-
Originally Posted by Dafaqed View Post
max 1k for the spartan :P
(i know it is worth more but i am short on money xD)

Nah, it's not worth 10k on my opinion. 2k for spartan.
F I L T H Y.
[Origin] Remember where you came from.
Nah Srry ill Wait maybe i would accept 8k offer donno ,

Last edited by DomDoDm60; Sep 9, 2015 at 05:50 PM.
Roses are red
Head Request
Size: 512
Colors : Light skin color face / Dark gray or light black hair color / blue eyes
Discription About the Head Texture : Cartoony, Old man, tattos on neck.
Price : Around 10-15k