[Tex]My childs that i call textures
I will put here some textures that i have made.
Warning the most of them will be crapy and are just ideas!!!
It's as shity as shit. Didn't use any colurs and tried to go for wave stuff.
Made in Paint.
This one locks much better and is badass.
I also made or rather tried to make some accesories
This one was just a Idea.
The idea was that you store nife in a shoe, but here it's just stored in the flesh
... how funny.
Made in Paint.
I like it.
just like the knife it's not for everyone and just an idea.
Made in Paint.
Shitty mapping, to big ....... i call it smile
Now some actual good stuff.
I am to lazy to colour it properly and i wil keep it as MY texture
Made in Gimp.
It's also robotic and ... red.
I think i will make a full set and sell it.
Made in Gimp.
Now that you have looked at them you have to pay .....
with cnc!!! HAHAHAHAA
Last edited by Chris; Sep 12, 2015 at 02:42 PM.