First of all, no one starts to drink alone. Alcohol is a nasty fucking shit, and for those who say no, remember that when you drink alcohol, it is not something like "oh sweet delicacy, which strengthens my body and gives me life. My mind expands to new dimensions" instead, it would be something like "eeyY BruHh, duuuD Gimme ur siSteh i wanna hav faN" *pukes*. Alcohol continues to be a substance that poisons our body. And if most people know this , why do they continue to taking it?
There is an experiment called, 'Social Experiment' Five monkeys and a ladder. Which shows how a paradigm is created in society. And to put it another way on how this relates to alcohol; When young people partying, and friends offers them alcohol and says "Hey drink drink dont be a pussy cmon drink, it taste gud cmon take a bit and if you dont like it then dont drink more but drink drink take a bit" that way of insist and fuck them to get intoxicated, later they will do it with others and got intoxicated without really knowing logically why they're poisoning their bodies every time they go out.
There is always a tendency to start taking these drinks with a social group in which they usually drink it and people wants to join them or be accepted into it. Whether in a place like a bar, party, a game or simply think on having an image of that social group. The action of consuming alcohol is considered in many places of the world as something "cool", male, adult, mature, etc.
Another thing, how many people you know who drink 'responsible' and never have been given a tremendous binge? I can count them with just one hand. And how many people you know that religiously drink alcohol and get drunk till get to painful and ridiculous moments, unable to make a simple movement? yeah, you know u know a lot of them.
Literally everything you drink that's not water is either acidic or basic to some degree (alcohol is slightly basic, for the record), so this thing about it having a bad pH value really doesn't make a whole lot of sense. As for killing people from drinking it too fast, again, that's common to everything. People have died from drinking too much water too fast.
It is true that alcohol is technically a poison though, and it's also true that many people drink purely due to social pressure. However, there are also many people who legitimately enjoy alcohol, and trying to cluster everyone into that group of people who don't enjoy drinking but do it because of peer pressure is incredibly narrow-minded. Personally, I enjoy the taste of many alcohols, and I'd be drinking them regardless of any social influences. And if you know so few people who drink responsibly and so many who binge and get shitfaced, have you considered that you may be hanging out with the wrong crowds? I know dozens of people who drink, and not a one of them has ever binged on anything. It's very possible, and even very common for people to enjoy their alcohol without being stupid about it. Yes, it is possible to be stupid with it, and some people choose to do so, but that's a failure of the people, not the beverage.