Original Post
Head/Texture Registration
Of course it wont be manually operated.

To prevent texture stealing, there should be a part of the forum where you can register a texture to make it sellable, etc.. It'll look like the Script part of the forum. You can upload unwatermarked textures there and there will be a watermarked version of the texture, for instance:

To claim bought textures:
There will be a part of the Textures registration part of forum where there will be a note: To claim bought textures, please type code sent to you by the previous owner.

After you type the code the unwatermarked flat will be sent to you.

there will be a texture/set registration Number(#) which will be required to sell it.There will be no registration fee, for textures are made to make money. some are desperate enough to sell not-so-good textures for some tc.


PS: During registration of textures, Ingame screenies and spinnies will not be provided for you.
there will be a BBcode: [Texture]abcabcabc123123123( registration number from the first image)[/texture] and it'll show the Information you filled up at the "Register Texture" part, it'll look like this:


That's it for now. For those who would like this help me think this through and help with the pictures i'd really appreciate it. it's hard making those at Ms paint. it's TIRING. Thanks
Last edited by Lust; Sep 22, 2015 at 01:15 PM.
If people are desperate for a texture they will get it anyway, they dont becuase if they do they will get banned. Which means even if texture stealing was easiest thing in the world, (what it is just go into the custom toribash files) You will still get banned for doing so.
Dont think we need this atm maybe when toribash grows massive or something XD
i wasnt saying that it should be now, but when it is mostly needed

Lazors Moderated Message:
There doesn't seem to be any interest. Don't bump this further (at least not for the sake of bumping).
Last edited by Lazors; Oct 7, 2015 at 05:06 PM.