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Stupid crap you've DONE as a kid.
This is totally different from 'stupid crap youve thought of as a kid'

What WTF thing have you done when you were younger? Poop like a dog? Lick the tip of your elbow? I actually peed on our former maid's room when i got angry at her when i was 7
Well i think this thread will be full with some sexual things or reletead to them but i always destroyed things from the school. xD
Intentionally? Welp i do that all the time. Not intentionally, though
Originally Posted by Superseba View Post
This thread and your thread have the same theme so...

On-Topic: I stealed a bone from a dog.. you know what happen

stoled** -_-
idk. i masturbated way too frequently, sometimes 7+ times a day.