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A better buddy list
Buddy list sometimes kinda glitchy or it jus me? :/ idk but maybe add theme so it looks interesting or maybe add avvy on it
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Originally Posted by NotFat View Post
at least add a
"[buddy] has connected"
"[buddy] has disconnected"

i just use the buddy system to check out names have not been in use for a while, or to check out what clan one of my friends is in, i don't want a notification every time they log in.

no one uses the buddy system anyway and it isn't really broken... if it aint broke dont fix it.
"I don't need a safety word because my mother didn't raise no quitter." ~BaraYaoi - BDSM Expert
That saying might make sense, but, If it's useless at least try to make it useful.

I'd like to see this. Options for toggling ''[buddy] has connected'' and ''[buddy] has disconnected'' could be implemented.
I'd also like to see a better (and working) GUI for the buddy system since networking is a big enough aspect for it to be somewhat of a priority. Given the nature of new members, however, I believe the Steam release of the game will keep its importance over the regular release for some time. The idea of "buddy activity" in the chatlines sounds great too. Maybe the logs could be toggled directly from the buddy menu?
Originally Posted by firebolty View Post
I'd also like to see a better (and working) GUI for the buddy system since networking is a big enough aspect for it to be somewhat of a priority. Given the nature of new members, however, I believe the Steam release of the game will keep its importance over the regular release for some time. The idea of "buddy activity" in the chatlines sounds great too. Maybe the logs could be toggled directly from the buddy menu?

I would highly appreciate that. Many people don't have steam and it's quite hard to chat/stay connected. Also, if the buddy list get's worked out they should also implement a kind of chat window where you'd be able to chat with your friends no matter if they're in the same room with you or not.
I'm only cleaning here..