Original Post
multiplayer doesnt work
i just got my laptop fixed and saw that i still have Toribash 4.62 on my laptop.I ran the game and clicked on multiplayer and saw that there were no servers displayed so i couldnt realy do much from that point on... any solutions?
I would say get the new update which is here Toriibash 9.5

because theres alot of things that have changed so thats maybe why
Quack's Club

Pm me for help or if you have any questions.
newest version is 4.95, not 9.5..

anyway, maybe your tb got broken along with your pc?
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
I'll move your thread to the support board since it's the more appropriate place for your thread to be discussed/you get more help. Remember next time that problems related to the game itself fit the support board. Always read each board rules, details so that you know where to post your threads.

If your problem is solved, just close the thread. Otherwise, tell us what is happening and people will try to get it sorted out. I will send you a private message as a reminder for you to come back here and post whether your problem was solved or not.
Last edited by Daedalus; Oct 4, 2015 at 06:16 PM.