Original Post
Bumpmap texture applyes as default texture
Hello guys! I set my head bumpmap texture, but instead of giving me nice 3D effect, it changes the color head texture.

Is it okay, or am I doing smth wrong?

Hey Flakky try deactivating them both... Then Firs activate the bump map head texture and then active the 512 head texture last alright?

If this doesn't work try pming a game or web dev and / or gms
Hey Flakky try deactivating them both... Then Firs activate the bump map head texture and then active the 512 head texture last alright?

Doesn't work..

Okay, I'll try to contact with someone..

Btw, I googled, it seems, that bumps have been problematic for a long time..

Nobody can make it work properly since 2013 or something
1, disable raytracing.
2, delete your custom folder, dl yourself and restart Toribash.
3, upload the bumpmap texture as a different file type, examples; .png .tga .bmp .gif .jpg etc.
4, sell the item and buy a new one (the item could be glitched, I'm not sure if that's a thing.)

If none of these worked for you. Contact a moderator.

REKD M999!!!!111!!!!

Your Bumpmap Texture seems to be working fine bc I /dled and /lped you. All seems well.
Very nice head texture I must Say.
*Pulls more tail then a special needs child at the petting zoo*