Original Post
Lost in the Crowd
Hmm, well, the last thread was lame and got at most 4 replay views, so I proclaim that thread DEAD.

Anyways, more replays for those who still care to watch them, the first two are brand new, just made them today.

Enjoy. (at least I hope you will)
Attached Files
Keep Going!!.rpl (233.3 KB, 15 views)
Kick Feint.rpl (68.5 KB, 12 views)
No-Grab Sideswipes.rpl (173.2 KB, 11 views)
Strange....rpl (237.9 KB, 12 views)
pity about the thread... from what I remember the replays were good.

keep going!!: very fast, and not exactly explosive, since the dismemberments don't come that fast, I'll go with electric.
kick feint: OK. the elbows (at least the left one) seemed a bit neglected, but other than that, good.
No-Grab Sideswipes: nice "substitute grabbing" there. at first I thought it was actually grabbing, actually. Also the removing of the arm before the split was cool, it took away that guarding block in the armpit.
strange...: this one I already commented over at the other thread, so won't comment it again here.
I refuse to grab.
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