Christmas Lottery
Original Post
the best good deed(s) that u have done!!!!!!!!
ok so me first

i walked an old lady across the street
gave some money to a beger (dunno if its spelled right?)

make my girlfriend happy(duh)
Re: the best good deed(s) that u have done!!!!!!!!
Apparently, saved my friend's hand from having to undergo amputation.

Also, talked people out of suicide.

And, tried to yell at an old blind woman not to cross the street when a speeding 4x4 was coming her way. Unfortunately, she ignored me.
Three rules of Q - 1. Qegola and Quarantine both start with Q. 2. There is no U in Qegola. 3. Qegola is you new god.

So a man walks into a bar with a monkey. I forgot the rest of the joke but your mom is a whore.
Re: the best good deed(s) that u have done!!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by Qegola
And, tried to yell at an old blind woman not to cross the street when a speeding 4x4 was coming her way. Unfortunately, she ignored me.

That's a nice ending to a happy story.
Don't take life too seriously, you never get out of it alive anyways.
Re: the best good deed(s) that u have done!!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by COM(B)AT
Originally Posted by Qegola
And, tried to yell at an old blind woman not to cross the street when a speeding 4x4 was coming her way. Unfortunately, she ignored me.

That's a nice ending to a happy story.

Hey, you can only do so much.
Re: the best good deed(s) that u have done!!!!!!!!
Erm a bit morbid but here we go..

Helping people off drugs.
stopping people killing themselves.
I give adivse to people, to help them with issues. (way to many things to mention)
Given away a lot of stuff. (its only stuff)
Helped people with money.
Generally try to be good good person.

thats all i can think of right now..
Jarmund>{#toribash} Dr-Meanster: finish your sentences before pressing enter.
Re: the best good deed(s) that u have done!!!!!!!!
My list of good deeds includes:

Erm... not spamming? Does that count?

My list of bad deeds includes:

Spamming... (Trust me...)
Ruthless editing of posts as an admin... (Boardzero...)
Ripping heads off... (Toribash...)
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
Re: the best good deed(s) that u have done!!!!!!!!
Good Deeds:
Stopped my friend from smoking, Only about 50 more to go >.> Chavland FTL!

A lad tryed to mug my friend (Well i was there but i had nothing of intrest on me, Woohoo.)
So i liek caeked him with mai judo p0w3rz. (TB Pun, I dont actually take judo because i dont see how learning to block mid air will help you in a fight <Obviously it will somehow i just cba to findout how>)
Re: the best good deed(s) that u have done!!!!!!!!
i saved my friend from a seizure
worked at a couple of food banks
helped two guys pay for a train ticket home (although i think that it was a scam)
gave money to Many beggars (correct spelling, Ghastly)
Befriended some retarded kids who no one else would talk to.

Bad (at least a few)
influenced some children to...*sigh, here it comes* listen to metal
well there's alot more i can't think of any important ones now
Re: the best good deed(s) that u have done!!!!!!!!
I pushed an asshole in front of a moving bus.... does that count? :P
This is the Emergency Alert System. All normal programming has been discontinued during this emergency.
Re: the best good deed(s) that u have done!!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by Slith
I pushed an asshole in front of a moving bus.... does that count? :P

yes it does.

only one i can think of is some thing i can't say because a couple of people i know read this board and they would freak out, but i'm actually a mean person.
*Lurking about*