Original Post
Adding Cards Directly to Toribash
I don't have PayPal. A lot of people don't. Believe it or not PayPal is for 18+ and does ask for social security numbers. Many gamers out there (such as myself) are not yet adults. I would love to be able to purchase items and junk this year
Last edited by NiteNite; Nov 6, 2015 at 11:56 PM. Reason: requested
I deleted my sig cuz clan bai nao
Then just say your a few years older. I'm 16 and I use paypal

Lazors Moderated Message:
Don't turn this into a discussion of whether you can get away with being underage on paypal. We shouldn't encourage people to break their terms either way.
Last edited by Lazors; Nov 6, 2015 at 11:49 PM.
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!
Or you could type in card info into PayPal for a one time use thing. Like everyone else without a PayPal.
No man. No can do ;-;. See, since my card was in my paypal account (made one long time ago before they required SSN I guess...) it was perma-blocked from paypal along w/ my account. Anyway, I'm trying to have nothing to do w/ paypal which is the reason why I made this thread to begin with :L

Thanks for responding though. Had I not been unlucky, your advice would've done wonders.
I deleted my sig cuz clan bai nao
Yeah make a... ToriPal? PalBash? thingy so we can use cards directly on toribash


Would make life alot easier then having to break the terms of paypal qq
If somehow you managed to get banned from PayPal, maybe you aren't responsible enough for online purchases

Extreme judging aside, a "ToriPal" would make this whole Toribash thing a lot easier. I know how much we love to buy TC.
Would it be possible that people could transfer money from this website? On this game Roblox people can put up currency on market in exchange for USD using their own rates. Idk how Hampa would feel about this but seriously $100 for 250k? Not worth it XD.
I deleted my sig cuz clan bai nao
Imagine the amount of scamming NiteNite, there's already enough of that.
Obviously it would be a better version of safe-trade. Scamming would not be a possibility.
I deleted my sig cuz clan bai nao
Okay, but say you sent money to the wrong person or the wrong amount. If the trade is accepted, chances are, you aren't getting that back.