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[TEX]new set mmfk

Well i done that undead monk or whatever it should be.
Done in photoshop cs6
time, idk.
CnC and Rate will be apreciated.
up for request
I don't really like how the front and back of the legs are the same, The left bicep and forearm are...yeah...
Love the head though. nice job!
Advens this truly isnt your best work i believe the arms dont match at all.
You did a good job on the head texture, but you should make the rest of the set match better.
<[Tint]Zubin> If you suck more people are going to think you're a girl
I dislike the color scheme, and some parts don't go that well together.
It's still well made detail-wise though.
|Opener by Xioi|#KillTheScootCork|
"Cool delfin med solglajjor" -Larfen
Advens u lost ur grip.. just go home..
Everything exept head is trash.. dosnt go together at all


ty for coms guys, exept u krisis13.
Trash,maybe ur art is trash,random,and noob. Your trying to copy my style too much.
one of the examples, u pro artist.
Also i'm home, hope u get cancer.
up for request
Holy shit I love the colors. Looks like an alien to me... pretty cool. I don't think you've lost your touch at all, it could just use a little brushing up is all.
Really cool!
.... Wait, what?
There's only two toes on each foot?
2 + 2 = 4
4/4 = 1
4 - 1 = 3
The triangle has 3 sides...
Coincidence? I didn't think so..
3 x 3 = 9
There's no windows 9.
There's windows on cars.
They have 4 wheels..
A tori has 4 limbs..
Tori has 4 letters.
4/2 = 2
2x1.5 = 3
The triangle has three sides.

Awesome set. Would like to see more!
Last edited by Hyperbank; Nov 12, 2015 at 04:58 PM.

REKD M999!!!!111!!!!

Like someone else said, it's not your best work, but it's still better than a lot of the stuff some people on the art board put out. The head, hands, and feet are good, some of the arms and legs are good but the black striped parts don't fit I don't think. decent set though, keep trying still a fan
Originally Posted by krisis13 View Post
Advens u lost ur grip.. just go home..
Everything exept head is trash.. dosnt go together at all

which side of the bed did you sleep on to get this salty?


i think it's already been pointed out by most people but the set just doesn't suit the head, hands and feet. Especially the torso, it just seems so out of place. Not a big fan of the head either, could be so much better if you poured more time and effort into it. I suggest keeping the head, hands and feet. Try something else with the body because whatever you have right now isn't really working