Original Post
[tex]robotishthing mmfk new
wehehe, im back,at all.
Here is another new set guys.
Made in phcs6
time idk
CnC and rate accepted.

up for request
Sooo much better than the last one. I like everything but the feet. (That could just be the angle you took the screens from though, idk.)

Great set
What's that grey thingy in the center of the head ?
Is that supposed to be a visor ? If yes, try to make it a lil' bigger
Its a well made set dude, great job

Discord : bintangfal
Yup, a lot better than the last one, Love this one, only thing I don't like is the legs mirroring.
And yeah.. still not close to this
Last edited by Rogue; Nov 14, 2015 at 01:25 PM.