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Questions about TP and VIP
hello, i have a few questions about ToriPrime and VIP
1-Does the ToriPime and Vip is like an item you have in your inventory ?
2-if i buy a animated usertitle/ animated avatar and after i buy a toriprime/vip and i change my usertitle, after the end of the toriprime/vip can i get back my anim usertitle/anim avatar ?
3-can i pay 14 $ for 1 year of vip directly ?
thanks for the help
No, they aren't items that will appear in your inventory, they are forum subscriptions that activate on your account. The only difference you will notice is the added functionality.

I'd assume you would have to purchase all of the above again at the end of your subscription as once you have updated your title etc this will overwrite any current ones you have. Once the subscription runs out it will revert to the default forum title e.g. "Senior Member".

No, you have to purchase in 6 monthly subscriptions.
:/ changing my mind about toriprime and vip, i was ready to spend some usd on this game again, but im sad to know that you always have to pay more to have fun...
i payed arround 10 $ directly to nabi studio for my avy/title and i was ready to add 25 $ of subscription and there is no commercial gesture...
Last edited by XormTeck6; Nov 15, 2015 at 01:47 PM.
If you wanna try something fancy, you can talk to hampa or sir.

Although to my knowledge, Fee is correct.
(except for the usertitle thing, if you had it before you bought VIP/TP and it got reset after that ended, I don't see why you couldn't get it back since it was there beforehand. Although I could be over ruled on that score)
Addicted-re 07-16

24/07/2019. I'll find you again my friend.

"I like to visualise icky in the astral realm fighting off the spambots (alien-robot hybrid species) singlehandedly and trying to scan their brains to find out which evil mastermind is sending them" ~ rola
x) i love it, but i tried to make an animated usertitle, but i cant get less than 150 kb :P
Originally Posted by Icky View Post
If you wanna try something fancy, you can talk to hampa or sir.

Although to my knowledge, Fee is correct.
(except for the usertitle thing, if you had it before you bought VIP/TP and it got reset after that ended, I don't see why you couldn't get it back since it was there beforehand. Although I could be over ruled on that score)

The old user title isn't saved anywhere, if it's changed it is overwritten. It would have to be manually set as the old one either through the AdminCP or Torishop. Whether you keep your title when prime runs out I cannot remember, but the old one certainly isn't remembered by the forum. This is at least my understanding of the forums workings, it has been a few years since I've used it.
i think that it can be a good commercial gesture to keep customer like me because it wont take too much hour if i send to a GM my old avy/usertitle (after my toriprime run off) i think he can check my transaction somewhere and if he cant i can give some proof, and some people like me would be happy.
if you reply with a big Yes ! ill come back in 1 year after the end of my toriprime/vip :3