Very nice and fluid. I love the transitions. One of the best Robot Sets I've seen so far, and that's just from seeing the knees down.
For being what it is (a simple cartoonish robot set), it's good. Mapping is on point. I feel like, on the feet,it looks like the gray part didn't fill all the way to the black outline, I still see a bit of red when I look closely. Seems to be that way with all the gray parts, actually. The black lines don't connect to the lines of the shin on the left knee in those pictures. But otherwise, design is good, keep going. If the rest of the set looks good and you nail the head, I might buy this.
What program do you use?
Wow! It's amazing.
I love how it goes over from the textures to the joints.
It's like you can't see it's joints anymore.
Looks sick!
Cant wait to see it being finished.
Looking good. Clean and nice shading on every part of the legs. But the feet looks kind of too empty for me.
Yeah, Im with raiken on this one, the feet look kinda empty with just one pattern then a solid red colour.
This has to be one of the best sets I've seen in a while
Shading could be smoother, it goes from gray to red quite hard.
Really cool work, might buy if I collect some debts and if you're selling!
I will be selling my body if that's the only way i can ever get this set.
It's really clean, simple enough and the contrast seems to be really balanced. Most robotic sets fail, because they are too complex, so that you can't see all the different aspects they have. However as i'm picturing the future of this set in my head, i feel like it's going to be one hell of a simple, perfect robotic set.
Pics WIP 2