There are many people all over the place and stuff that are addicted to many types of druggies.
Today we have lost a good soul to the communist country of DRUGS.
This is the story of Thiggist, AKA Druggist..
Thiggist has claimed on many accounts that his drug intake is solely based on the fact that it makes him look cooler. We have taken a few quotes and put them below to try and explain his statements.
"so I went home and took two shots of ranch" - Thiggist
In the statement above we can see that thiggist has resulted to drugs as his friends. He has lost all hope in his relationship with god and is down the path of evil. Many tried to come to his aid during this part of his life, but none were able to support him like god used to. We still pray every day that the old thiggist return to us. Below is a quote of thiggist from the good days, where he used to play and dance with all his good friends and family. There were no problems, no drugs, and way more god.
"injecting drugs now
my dealer gave me two liters free" - Thiggist
Above is when thiggist used to follow the path of god. He went to church every day and loved his brother as a man, not a woman. He would tell every person that drugs were bad and that he would never ever ever EVER do drugs, ever! You can see how eloquent he was back then and how feminism didn't affect him like it does now. We can't go back in time to this stage in his life, though. All we can do is pray and love and laugh and pray for thiggist to not be druggist.
This is thiggist before drugs
This is thiggist after drugs and god
artist's rendition below
If those results aren't proof enough of thiggist's crazy drug stuff then here are some more graphs that really pinpoint the issues. They're filled with valuable information, like drug intake per day, how much he spends, what hours he uses them the most and his favorite types of drugs. Other misc. graphs will include what his favorite hobbies were before he started drugs and what his hobbies are after drugs.
Drugs are not a good replacement for friends and god. Stay away from drugs and stay away from thiggist. Please find it in your heart to donate to thiggist's cause. 1-800-555-DRUG Call here to donate today.
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<augans> youre my thiggist
<Muze> Id like to say, I don't apologize, I'm a tough guy in irl and I will be a tough guy in a video game. Ok that's it.