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What are you thankful for?
So here in America we are celebrating Thanksgiving.
We generally get together and eat a lot with our families, but Thanksgiving is a day specifically around for celebrating what you are thankful for in life.

I an thankful for my girlfriend. She has changed me in many positive ways, and she is very special person to me. I am also thankful for my family members.

What are you thankful for?

EJM Moderated Message:
Lots of deleted posts here, keep things by the rules gentlemen.
Last edited by EJM; Nov 27, 2015 at 01:50 PM.
I am thankful for my girlfriend and friends, and also for my Diesel for starting in minus tempratures :v and. I am thankful for being able to play with all of you! :>
Happy Thanksgiving Day Everybody
"People, like to invent monsters and monstrosities. Then they seem less monstrous themselves."
i am thankful for the gifts that i have, that money can't buy.

oh, and also lolicon
pm me your questions or applications

dance with my dogs in the night time
cash to burn
I'm thankful to the god who gave me the ability to live, who made me special between other animals, Birds and Insects. I'm thankful for the god for the life I have for the rest of my family I got for The people who loves and I love them.
I'd say I'm thankful for my GF and friends, only I don't have any.

I am thankful for my sarcasm and comedic genius. I am also thankful for my ability to see that my jokes aren't funny and my sarcasm is superbly annoying.

In all seriousness, I am thankful for everything I've got. My fam, the friends I do have, an my internet connection. My gawd that's so cliched I just threw up a bit in my mouth. Sorry for the lack of originality.
Last edited by Sloth; Nov 27, 2015 at 10:41 AM. Reason: Typo fix
Reckless is just FC but slightly better.~ Coine, 08/11/2016
I'm thankful for Hampa for coding the entire rest of my fucking life.
And I am also thankful for the money my family has, for we are struggling financially, and might lose a lot of things.
I'm thankful that i didn't start out life with any birth defects and that i haven't had any major diseases yet, and milk.
wow that