EDIT: Hang on, the version i uploaded has a few *major* glitches im fixing =P
EDIT: Ok, its far simpler now, but i just have 2 add in one more feature to make sure its always the same distance when you use macro. This is proving to be tricky =P
EDIT: An easy fix for this, just make it for close range mods, like judo, akido, twin swords etc =)
Gorman's Tori Macro!
Basicly, its just a simple macro writer and reader that I made for fun, now it needs testing!
You can write and store up to 6 macros using the Macro Recorder utility, and you can access them for use by using the Tori Macro program. They are run by simply using Alt+(Q, W, E, R, T or Y), which runs the respective macro.
There are no pre-made macros in there yet, but im going to add some noob clappers, flips and a few others, just for fun.
Its pretty easy to use, and there is a read me in there. So yeah, just run it, make some macros, test them out, tell me if you find any bugs (there should be plenty to go around).
Oh yeah, and i realise the icons are shit, i just did 'em quickly.
Link removed (its not worth downloading atm)
The Read me:
> Welcome to Gorman's Tori Macro Program! <
>Version: 0.1A<
Use the Macro Recorder utility to record your macro into one of 6 lots, then play them back in-game using the Tori Macro program!
This is a Program made entirley by Gorman, and so please do not edit it in any way. However, if you do want to edit it then please contact Gorman and ask him if you can!
1. Macro Recorder Walk Though
2. Tori Macro Walk Through
3. Other infomation
4. Change log
5. Contacting Gorman
1. Open the utility, and enter a letter (either Q, W, E, R, T or Y). This will be the macro you are editing. Read the next two dialogues carefully.
Now open up Toribash and go into single player. Press the number '2' to switch the camera into back view. All Macros are executed from this stance, so you will need to keep the camera in the '2' setup.
Now just hover over joints and use Z and X to change their force and state, as you normally would. You can also use C to relax/hold all.
CAUTION: You cannot click on joints to change them, they will not be recorded.
When you have finished your move press escape to end the macro.
2. Open it up, after creating a Macro (with the Macro Recorder), then click Alt+(Q, W, E, R, T or Y). The camera will change and the macro will be executed. Use Alt+Esc to exit!
3. None at the moment
4. Change log:
-> 0.0A: Tori Macro was created
5. Contact me through the Toribash forums, my username is Gorman.
Its written in a program called "AutoHotKey", so the script isn't really that useful for people who don't have that program. And i don't know how to get the source from an EXE file. But here it is anyway!
; Tori Macroing program
; By Gorman
Menu, TRAY, Icon, Play.ico
Menu, TRAY, Tip, Tori Macro
#SingleInstance, Force
SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
SetDefaultMouseSpeed, 0
Send 2
sleep, 50
Loop = 1
FileReadLine, Reps, %A_ScriptDir%\Q.txt, 1
Loop %Reps%
Loop := Loop + 1
FileReadLine, Button, %A_ScriptDir%\Moves\Q.txt, %Loop%
Loop := Loop + 1
FileReadLine, XCoord, %A_ScriptDir%\Moves\Q.txt, %Loop%
Loop := Loop + 1
FileReadLine, YCoord, %A_ScriptDir%\Moves\Q.txt, %Loop%
MouseMove, %XCoord%, %YCoord%
Send %Button%
Send 2
sleep, 50
Loop = 1
FileReadLine, Reps, %A_ScriptDir%\W.txt, 1
Loop %Reps%
Loop := Loop + 1
FileReadLine, Button, %A_ScriptDir%\Moves\W.txt, %Loop%
Loop := Loop + 1
FileReadLine, XCoord, %A_ScriptDir%\Moves\W.txt, %Loop%
Loop := Loop + 1
FileReadLine, YCoord, %A_ScriptDir%\Moves\W.txt, %Loop%
MouseMove, %XCoord%, %YCoord%
Send %Button%
Send 2
sleep, 50
Loop = 1
FileReadLine, Reps, %A_ScriptDir%\E.txt, 1
Loop %Reps%
Loop := Loop + 1
FileReadLine, Button, %A_ScriptDir%\Moves\E.txt, %Loop%
Loop := Loop + 1
FileReadLine, XCoord, %A_ScriptDir%\Moves\E.txt, %Loop%
Loop := Loop + 1
FileReadLine, YCoord, %A_ScriptDir%\Moves\E.txt, %Loop%
MouseMove, %XCoord%, %YCoord%
Send %Button%
Send 2
sleep, 50
Loop = 1
FileReadLine, Reps, %A_ScriptDir%\R.txt, 1
Loop %Reps%
Loop := Loop + 1
FileReadLine, Button, %A_ScriptDir%\Moves\R.txt, %Loop%
Loop := Loop + 1
FileReadLine, XCoord, %A_ScriptDir%\Moves\R.txt, %Loop%
Loop := Loop + 1
FileReadLine, YCoord, %A_ScriptDir%\Moves\R.txt, %Loop%
MouseMove, %XCoord%, %YCoord%
Send %Button%
Send 2
sleep, 50
Loop = 1
FileReadLine, Reps, %A_ScriptDir%\T.txt, 1
Loop %Reps%
Loop := Loop + 1
FileReadLine, Button, %A_ScriptDir%\Moves\T.txt, %Loop%
Loop := Loop + 1
FileReadLine, XCoord, %A_ScriptDir%\Moves\T.txt, %Loop%
Loop := Loop + 1
FileReadLine, YCoord, %A_ScriptDir%\Moves\T.txt, %Loop%
MouseMove, %XCoord%, %YCoord%
Send %Button%
Send 2
sleep, 50
Loop = 1
FileReadLine, Reps, %A_ScriptDir%\Y.txt, 1
Loop %Reps%
Loop := Loop + 1
FileReadLine, Button, %A_ScriptDir%\Moves\Y.txt, %Loop%
Loop := Loop + 1
FileReadLine, XCoord, %A_ScriptDir%\Moves\Y.txt, %Loop%
Loop := Loop + 1
FileReadLine, YCoord, %A_ScriptDir%\Moves\Y.txt, %Loop%
MouseMove, %XCoord%, %YCoord%
Send %Button%
Macro Recorder:
; Tori Macro Recorder
; By Gorman
Menu, TRAY, Icon, Camera.ico
Menu, TRAY, Tip, Macro Recorder
#SingleInstance, Force
SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
InputBox, Letter, Pick a letter, Which macro do you want to edit? (Enter a capital letter),, 200, 150,,,,, Q/W/E/T/Y
if ErrorLevel
Msgbox,, What to do, Press 2 to fix your camera, then place the mouse over a point Then you can use C to hold all and use Z and X to change force and state respectivley
Msgbox,, To end, To end your macro press Escape
File = New%Letter%
MouseGetPos, XCoord, YCoord
FileAppend, Z`n, %A_ScriptDir%\Moves\%File%.txt
FileAppend, %XCoord%`n, %A_ScriptDir%\Moves\%File%.txt
FileAppend, %YCoord%`n, %A_ScriptDir%\Moves\%File%.txt
MouseGetPos, XCoord, YCoord
FileAppend, X`n, %A_ScriptDir%\Moves\%File%.txt
FileAppend, %XCoord%`n, %A_ScriptDir%\Moves\%File%.txt
FileAppend, %YCoord%`n, %A_ScriptDir%\Moves\%File%.txt
MouseGetPos, XCoord, YCoord
FileAppend, C`n, %A_ScriptDir%\Moves\%File%.txt
FileAppend, %XCoord%`n, %A_ScriptDir%\Moves\%File%.txt
FileAppend, %YCoord%`n, %A_ScriptDir%\Moves\%File%.txt
Line = 0
Loop, read, %A_ScriptDir%\Moves\%File%.txt
Line := Line + 1
Line := Line / 3
FileDelete, %A_ScriptDir%\Moves\%Letter%.txt
FileAppend, %Line%`n, %A_ScriptDir%\Moves\%Letter%.txt
FileRead, Contents, %A_ScriptDir%\Moves\%File%.txt
FileDelete, %A_ScriptDir%\Moves\%File%.txt
FileAppend, %Contents%, %A_ScriptDir%\Moves\%Letter%.txt
Enjoy! BTW, this forum
really needs 'hidden' or 'spoiler' tags!
Last edited by Gorman; Oct 6, 2008 at 04:51 PM.