Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Making people who bet sooner win more?
I don't know how hard this would be, but I think it would pretty great to have some kind of multiplier to bets that are made early. I'm not very good at math, but I notice that someone could bet 1000 very early and then someone could bet 2000 at the last second. The last second better would win more tc. But the first better's bet had more risk because there was less knowledge on how the fight was going to end up.

This would make "profit stealing" less effective for the "profit stealers". And people who have very little tc have a chance to make good profit by being bold with their bets. And it would also give people more incentive to self bet.
Giselle is my name, and I suck dick for fame. I only like Pussy, so I don't fuck with dudes. But hey I'm a slut, so PM me for nudes.
So you're saying that betting more TC is not a risk enough?
Guy A bets 1000 on Tori in the first frame.
Guy B bets 2000 on Uke in last betframe
Guy B is actually betting more, so he's risking more unless Tori has no chance of winning, so it's Guy A's fault for betting on the first frame or very early.

I don't think profit stealing is a thing.. because essentially people are betting and risking more, so they deserve more. [unless,
(the guy they're betting against) has no chance of winning]

So, yeah, not supported.
Betting more is certainly more risk, but I just think people who bet very early should get a little more (not necessarily more than Person B), just to reward the risk of betting early.

Person A bets 1000tc on first frame
Person B bets 2000tc on first frame
Person B rewarded more tc than Person A

Person A bets 1000tc on first frame
Person B bets 1000tc on last possible frame
Person A rewarded more tc than Person B

The only problem would be implementing the calculation of the multiplier or boost or whatever.

Ex: Person A bets 500tc on first frame, Person B bets 750tc on last frame, who gets more?
Giselle is my name, and I suck dick for fame. I only like Pussy, so I don't fuck with dudes. But hey I'm a slut, so PM me for nudes.
And to clarify, on "profit stealing" I basically mean the "profit rape" thing. I JUST HATE THE WORD RAPE.

But just imagine this situation that occurs pretty often:
Player A and Player B are fighting in ABD and neither player has a significant advantage. At the very beginning of the match. A user bets 500tc on Player A. And by the last betting frame. Player A gets their arm ripped off, in result all users bet 1000, 5000, even 10000tc on Player B. The user who bet before the DM, will make almost no profit, despite being the only user who risked their tc.
Giselle is my name, and I suck dick for fame. I only like Pussy, so I don't fuck with dudes. But hey I'm a slut, so PM me for nudes.
Well if you want to take low ballet risks then be my guest that's on you. If you bet 5k at the first frame and at the last frame I bet 50-500k as I normally would just for the lols, and somehow YOU get more profit than me then there is something wrong. I really dont see that as a fair trade. In reality we should be lucky that there is even such a thing as betframes cause of this were legit betting all bets would have to be done before the match even began thus giving everyone a fair risk with the only difference in risk would be the amount of money you bet.
[VIBE] 2015~2016 | Team Pokemon | [Origin] 2014~2015 | Team Aikido | [Obey] ~Because Frost Said So...
You expect people to bet on frames 1 and 2? Those are mainly for self betters. Risking your TC is already a big one, not sure why you want to make shit more complicated.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
You could suggest a blind-bet setting, that happens between the last match replay and ends before the match starts

so you could set the room either to
bets 0 (off)
bets 1 (normal)
bets 2 (blind)

1 and 2 at the same time wouldn't be allowed.

but suggesting that you get more profit by betting earlier is ridiculous, sorry.